Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Grade 5 Writing Homework

Alphabetical Order Sheet - due Friday

Alphabetical Order

Numeration Test on THURSDAY

Grade 5s and 6s will be having a numeration test this Thursday, October 2nd.
Students need to review:
  • place value
  • expanded form
  • comparing
  • ordering
  • addition
  • subtraction
  • word problems
Extra practice worksheets are available at school.
We will begin Patterning on Friday.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Math and Language

This is what we are currently working on in class:

MATH (grades 5 and 6)
- addition and subtraction of whole numbers
- Numeration unit test towards the end of next week on everything we've covered so far

grade 5
- peer editing of rough copies of biography; Final copies due Friday (please make sure there is a title page, separate paragraphs throughout and a Source page at the back)
- students should also have a fiction novel for daily reading purposes

grade 6
- peer editing of rough copies of friendly letter; Final copies due Friday

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dreambox Math for Grades 5 and 6

Your child was given his/her username and password for DreamBox today. It is written in the agenda. The letter linked below should be coming home to you as well. Parents can make a separate account to check student learning and progress. A link for the site has been added to the right ---->

DreamBox letter

Grade 6 Letter Writing Task

Here is the attachment for the Friendly Letter. It gives the instructions and checklist of items for the final draft.
Rough Draft due on Monday, Sept. 22nd.

Friendly Letter Task

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Grade 5 Biography Writing Task

I am attaching links for the rough notes sheet as well as the instruction sheet / rubric for the bio assignment.

Rough notes: Questions to answer 
Biography Instruction Sheet / Rubric

Math Quiz on Tuesday

There will be a math quiz on Tuesday, September 16th for grade 5s and 6s.

Please ask your child to review place value, writing numbers as words, expanded form, and comparing and ordering of whole numbers.

We will be reviewing all concepts in class on Monday.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

This week in Math and Language

grade 5 - reading, writing, comparing and ordering whole numbers to 100 000
grade 6 - reading, writing, comparing and ordering whole numbers to 1 000 000

grade 5 - questions/activities attached to independent novels, biographical writing
grade 6 - letter writing

*FYI to grade 6 parents - For language, I am teaching and assessing writing and oral skills.
Mrs. Bruno is teaching and assessing reading, media and religion.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Hello parents,

Just a few friendly reminders for grades 5 and 6.
Every child should have a reading novel in class every day.
Also, please make sure your child returns all forms by the end of this week:

Tech form
Student verification
Student Activity Fee
Class DOJO
Parent Questionnaire
Permission to leave property

Thank you!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back!!

I am very excited to get the new school year underway. I will be using this blog with both grade 5s and 6s for Language and Math this year. Please check it regularly for important reminders. Looking forward to getting to know you all :)