Friday, September 25, 2015

30 Book Challenge

We will be starting a 30 book challenge in class. I have gone over the rules with the students so they know how it will work. Each student has received a log to fill out throughout the year. 

Good luck to everyone!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sumdog school code

Sumdog school code:


Math Quiz

We will be having a math quiz next Tuesday, Sept. 22nd. Topics appearing will be:

-place value (e.g. 456,789 For this number the value of the 5 is 50,000 and it appears in the ten thousands place)
-representing numbers in different ways (expanded and standard form, words, base ten blocks)
-comparing and ordering numbers

*Next week, we will move onto addition/subtraction of whole numbers.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Some week one info...

Class Dojo: We will be using Class Dojo this year for behaviour monitoring. Points will be given and taken away on a regular basis. You can track your child's progress by creating an account. Each student received an invitation to give to you with a code.

Parent/Student Info Sheet: Please fill out and return the information sheet that was brought home to you on Tuesday.

Science: We have begun Unit 1 on the Human Organ System.

Math: We have begun Unit 1 in Number Sense on Place Value.

Language: We have begun a writing task of a personal autobiography. Attached is an in depth instruction sheet with due dates and marking criteria. 
Autobiography task

Students should also bring a silent reading novel to class every day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome Back!!

I am very excited to get the new school year underway. I will be using this blog with both of the grade 5 classes (AM and PM). Please check it regularly for important reminders. Looking forward to getting to know you all :)