Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Curriculum Update for AM students

Science: We have begun a new science strand - Understanding Matter and Energy

Grade 3 - Forces causing Movement
Grade 4 - Light and Sound Energy

*Unit tests for the Understanding Structures and Mechanisms unit
went home last week and should be signed and returned.

Health:  We will be starting a new health unit on Wednesday - Substance Use, Addictions and Related Behaviours

Grade 3 Focus - Legal and Illegal Substances
Grade 4 Focus - Tobacco and Smoking

Friday, February 9, 2018

Sub, Pizza and Cake Walk coming next week

Sub and Pizza can be ordered until Monday at 12 p.m. Online order forms and a cheque made out to St. Emily School Council may come in with your child in the morning. Subs begin on Tuesday, February 13 (biweekly). Pizza begins on Thursday, February 15 (weekly).
Cake walk money can come in on Monday as well. Additonal tickets can be purchased at 1 for 25 cents and 10 for $2. Cakes can be delivered on Monday after school or Tuesday morning. The AM students will be going on the cake walk at 11am Tuesday morning ☺

Monday, February 5, 2018

Snowshoeing this week!

Image result for snowshoeing cartoon  

We will be going snowshoeing on Wednesday and Friday morning this week during gym class (if it's not too cold outside). All students are asked to wear snow pants and other appropriate winter attire on those days.

Thank you!