Sunday, January 17, 2021

Asynchronous Learning Activities

Try a learning activity from each of these amazing choice boards every day. Each board contains asynchronous learning activities from different subject areas! (I left the primary ones in as well just in case you have younger siblings that are interested!)

Monday, January 4, 2021

Asynchronous Learning Activities

Try a learning activity from each of these amazing choice boards every day. Each board contains asynchronous learning activities from different subject areas! (I left the primary ones in as well just in case you have younger siblings that are interested!)

Welcome Back!

 Dear Parents/Guardians, 

I hope everyone has had a  wonderful Christmas Break.  As you know, it has been decided that this week (January 4 - 8th), school will be online.

We don’t want this transition to be stressful or complicated for our families.  We know that some households might have multiple users and that not all can have access to technology.  Our school will have laptops available to families who need them. 

We will have our first class Google meet at 1:00pm today. 

At this time, we will discuss how the week will work and how the lessons will be taught for the remainder of the week. 

To enter our Google Meets, students are to go to the Student Portal and open Google Meet from there.  Our class link will be ready for them at class time.

Above all else, we hope this transition will be smooth and not increase any anxiety or stress on anyone’s part.  Our priority always remains the health and well-being of the students.  If there are any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you and take care!

Mrs. DesRochers