Sunday, April 6, 2014

This week...

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tomorrow, in Math, I will be handing back the Multiplication/Division tests. Please go over corrections with your son/daughter and sign/return to me. We are now reviewing perimeter and area of polygons. Grade 5s - squares and rectangles and Grade 6s - squares, rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms. I've attached a diagram with formulas that will be helpful for students to know.

In Language Arts, we are finishing up the novel study for Holes. Students will receive their chapter summaries back tomorrow with lots of feedback attached. They will be given a culminating task to complete very soon...

In the next two months, grade 6s will be doing lots of EQAO prep in class. Please feel free to print off sample tests for your child to work on at home as well! Everything can be found on the website linked to the right, including answer keys!

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